Custom Home Planning Service
$1.50 – $1.75 per Sq. Ft
On site custom planning to match your needs. Experienced in listening and implanting a design that fits into budgets while giving the best and most up-to-date design ideas in the industry.
Stock Plans
$500: 700 Sq.-1800 sq. ft
$750: 1900sq.-2800 sq. ft.
$1000: 2900 + sq. ft.
*Modifications time on any plan $150.00 per hour. (Min. 3 hours)
**Stock plans may be reused for a fee of $350.00
We contract all our plans out to a local Engineering firm if your municipality requires a stamp on the plans. Price varies per home according to size and complexity. If a plan has already been engineered it will be significantly reduced in price to be re-engineer for your individual lot. Each plan includes: Elevations, Floor plan (s), Footings/Foundation Plan, Electrical plans, Floor framing, Roof framing, and Building Sections. 8-sets standard. Engineering and Heat Loss calculations sold separately.